How to create zoom app id and secret key?
Categories :
- First create your zoom account.
- And now login into your zoom account.
- Now here we will found SOLUTIONS menu click on this and go to Marketplace menu
- Next click on Develop dropdown and click on build app menu
- Here click on create button of Oauth App
- Here enter the name of app and choose account app type – Account-level app
- Now your app is created
- Copy your client id and secret key from you zoom Demo App
- Open your plugin token manager tab paste here your client id and secret key
- Add desire username in Account name field
- Now click on copy button for copy the redirect url
- Paste it into your zoom [ Demo App ]
- Add your domain URL into Whitelist URL also
ADD Scope into your app
- Click on scope tab first and click on add scope button
- Add all scope and click on done button.
- After do it all please click on save button for save the token
- After saving the token its look like this. for create meeting please create the token first
- Click the create button
- If you are already logged in into your zoom account in your browser it never ask for login
- And if you are not logged in please login first into your zoom account in another tab of browser , next click the token button
- Please authorize with agree of all scope and click on continue button
- Token is saved successfully
- Now you can create , join & delete meeting easily using create meeting menu of plugin.
Thank you.